Authors are requested to supply a maximum of eight keywords, preferably, but not necessarily, selected from the structured Suggested Keyword List of Surface Science, and to list them below the abstract. This Suggested Keyword List is published in the last issue of every volume and is also available from the website at Please note that if authors believe an important keyword is not listed, they can use unlisted keywords of their own knowledge of the field, and these will also be included in the new Keyword Index. Detailed instructions are given above the Suggested Keyword List itself. Click to go to the keyword list
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[1] S.-C. Chang and M.J. Weaver, Surf. Sci. 241 (1991) 11.
[2] A. Roth, Vacuum Technology, 3rd ed. (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990).
[3] V. Celli, in: Dynamical Properties of Solids, Vol. 6, Eds. G.K. Horton and A.A. Maradudin (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990) p. 337.
[4] C.B. Duke (Ed.), Surface Science: The First Thirty Years (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1994).
In the case of multiple authorship all authors should be listed in the references provided they number less than ten. Only in the case of more than 10 authors is "first author et al." acceptable.
Footnotes should be consecutively numbered. They will appear on the page of text they are referred to. They are not allowed as a reference as stated above, obviously they may refer to a reference.
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