LEEM/PEEM-V concluded on 19 Oct
2006, and proved to be a successful and enjoyable meeting. Thanks to
all concerned.
The deadline for submission of
proceedings papers has been extended to 31 October 2006.
We welcome the online display of
photographs taken during the meeting - please inform us if you have any
on your institution (or other) website and we will place a link from
this page. Alternatively@please send us your digital photographs on CD
or DVD and a selection@will be displayed on this site.
The 5th International Conference on LEEM/PEEM will be held at the Egret Himeji in Himeji, Japan, from the 15th-19th October 2006. The meeting will cover the theory, instrumentation and applications of cathode lens microscopy including LEEM, PEEM, SPLEEM, XPEEM and related techniques. Also welcome are topics concerning time-resolved measurements, a field which has recently become very active. The purpose of the meeting is to give a biannual review of the present state of the field, to facilitate the exchange of experience between researchers, and to introduce interested scientists to LEEM/PEEM research.
Egret Himeji, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
Date :15th(Sun) - 19th(Thu), Oct. 2006
Abstract Submission |
on June 27,
2006 |
Provisional Program | August 22, 2006 |
Early Registration deadline |
to Aug. 31,
2006 |
Proceeding deadline |
October 6, 2006 |
Post-deadline Registration deadline |
October 6, 2006 |
Poster Abstract Submission deadline |
October 6, 2006 |
The deadline for submission of proceedings paper | October 31, 2006 |
The conference will roughly follow the format of previous meetings, with contributed oral presentations of 15 minutes followed by 5 minute discussion periods. In addition to the oral talks, poster sessions will be held. The meeting will feature Distinguished Guest Lectures from scientists working in LEEM/PEEM related fields or with related techniques - the final programme is currently under consideration. The proceedings of the conference will be published in "Surface Science". If you are interested in this conference please contact the address below and register your e-mail address.
If you are interested in the conference, please register by
sending an e-mail to following address.
Secretariat of this conference
Shinji Kakiguchi (SPring-8)
Aya Inobe (SPring-8)
Phone: +81-791-58-0987
Fax: +81-791-58-0988.