Poster Session II Oct. 17
(Tue) 16:45 - 18:45 (B1F) |
TuP-01 |
Image contrast
mechanisms in a combined PEEM/LEEM investigation of organic layers on metals |
Pierre L. Lévesque, Helder
Marchetto, Ullrich Groh, Florian C. Maier, Tomáš Skála,
Thomas Schmidt, Rainer Fink, Helmut Kuhlenbeck, Eberhard Umbach, Hans-Joachim
Freund |
TuP-02 |
Self-assembly of
supramolecular architectures on surfaces |
Fawad S. Khokhar, Raoul van Gastel,
Bene Poelsema |
TuP-03 |
Observation of the Growth of Nanodots on Ga Implanted SiO2 by LEEM |
Ryan Buckmaster, FangZhun Guo,
Takafumi Yao, Keisuke Kobayashi |
TuP-04 |
In situ
observation of the phase transition on In/Cu(001) |
Shinichiro Hatta, Fang Zhun Guo,
Hiroshi Okuyama, Tetsuya Aruga |
TuP-05 |
Perturbation of
Local Electric Field onto Surface Reaction Imaged by Photoemission Electron
Microscopy |
Hirokazu Fukidome, Masamichi
Yoshimura, Kazuyuki Ueda, Fang-Zhun Guo, Toyohiko Kinoshita, Keisuke
Kobayashi |
TuP-06 |
radiation induced XPEEM spectromicroscopy for nanoscience and nanotechnology |
Nick Barrett, Olivier Renault, Luiz
Zagonel, Aude Bailly, Nick Brookes, Julio Cezar |
TuP-07 |
High-pass Energy
filtered PEEM Imaging of Dopants in Silicon |
Miloš Hovorka, Luděk Frank,
Dimitrij Valdaitsev, Sergej Nepijko, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Gerhard
Schönhense |
TuP-08 |
Surface reactions
of Fe on SiO2 thin layer/Si substrates studied by SPELEEM |
Fumihiko Maeda, Hiroki Hibino, Satoru
Suzuki, FangZhun Guo |
TuP-09 |
Optical Response
of Alkali-Metal-deposited 1T-TiS2 surfaces |
T. Wakita, Y. Saitoh, K. Kobayashi, S. Negishi, M. Arita, H.
Namatame, M. Koyano, M. Hirai, Y. Muraoka, T. Yokoya |
TuP-10 |
SPELEEM Study on
Growth of Sb on In/Si(111) Surfaces |
T. Yasue, F. -Z. Guo, A. Nakaguchi, M.
Hashimoto, M. Ueda, T. Matsushita, Y. Tamenori, M. Oura, T. Takeuchi, Y.
Saito, S. Shin, T. Kinoshita, K. Kobayashi, T. Koshikawa |
TuP-11 |
UV-PEEM Contrast
Mechanism on Cu/W(110) |
H. Shimizu, M. Hashimoto, M. Ueda, A.
Nakaguchi, T. Yasue, E. Bauer, T. Koshikawa |
TuP-12 |
Observation of Restructuring process of Cu/W(110) with LEEM and Limited Area
H. Shimizu, A. Nakaguchi, T. Yasue, E.
Bauer, T. Koshikawa |
TuP-13 |
Mapping of
chemical bond states of Ag/Si(111) with synchrotron orbital radiation photo
emission electron microscope |
M. Hashimoto, M. Ueda, F. -Z. Guo, M.
Suzuki, T. Kinoshita, K. Kobayashi, S. Shin, M. Oura, T. Takeuchi, Y. Saito,
T. Matsushita, T. Yasue, T. Koshikawa |
TuP-14 |
observation of Ag on In/Si (111) by LEEM |
M. Ueda, M. Hashimoto, M. Suzuki, T.
Yasue, T. Koshikawa |
TuP-15 |
Imaging Diffusion
Zones in Photoelectron Emission Microscopy |
K. R. Roos, K.L. Roos, I. Lohmar, J.
Krug, M. Horn-von Hoegen, F.-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf |
TuP-16 |
Investigation of the Au on Ta Polycrystalline |
Testuya Tsutsumi, Takeshi Miyamoto, Hironobu Niimi, Yoshinori
Kitajima, Yuji Sakai, Makoto Kato, Kiyotaka Asakura |
TuP-17 |
Real Time
Observation of Multi Emitters by LEEM, PEEM and FEEM |
Hidekazu Murata, Yoshiyuki Nishimura,
Hiroshi Shimoyama, Akinori Mogami, Yuji Sakai, Masato Kudo, Makoto Kato,
Keiichi Betsui, Kazunori Inoue, Kazuto Sakemura, Nobuyasu Negishi |
TuP-18 |
Low Energy
Electron Microscopy Investigation of CO Adsorption on the Pt(111) Surface |
C. M. Yim, K. L. Man, M. S. Altman |
TuP-19 |
Dependence of the Step Line Tension and Island Decay on the Si(111) (1x1)
Surface |
A. Pang, K. L. Man, T. Stasevich, F.
Szalma, T. L Einstein, M. S. Altman |
TuP-20 |
New Pt,Rh-CeOx
Catalytic Systems Prepared from Intermetallic Compounds |
P. A. Zosimova, A. V. Smirnov, S. N.
Nesterenko, V. V. Yushenko, I .I. Ivanova |
TuP-21 |
Application of
photoelectron emission microscope (PEEM) on extraterrestrial materials |
Masato Kotsugi, Takanori Wakita,
Toshiyuki Taniuchi, Kanta Ono, Motohiro Suzuki, Naomi Kawamura, Masaharu
Oshima, Naoki Ishimatsu, Masaki Taniguchi, Hiroshi Maruyama |
TuP-22 |
Study of cations
and charge distribution in swelling clay sheets by XPEEM |
D. Vantelon, R. Belkhou, I. Bihannic,
E. Montargès-Pelletier, L.J. Michot, S. Maddi, J.L. Robert, O. Mentes,
L. Aballe, A. Locatelli |
TuP-23 |
First results from
the X-ray photoelectron emission microscopy facility at the Canadian Light
Source |
Stephen G. Urquhart, Uday D. Lanke,
Eric Christensen, Rémy Coulombe, Stephen Christensen, Brian Haines,
Adam P. Hitchcock, Peter Hitchcock, Jacob Stewart–Ornstein, Bob Hall,
Kim Kenny, Stefan Chiovelli, Konstantine Kaznatcheev, Chithra Karunakaran |
TuP-24 |
emission microscopy (PEEM) on bilayer manganite La1.1Sr1.9Mn2O7 |
M. Kubota, T. Taniuchi, M. Oshima, H.
Akinaga, K. Ono |
TuP-25 |
Applications: Trace Element Analysis of Meteorite Grains |
P. Bernhard, G. Schönhense, U.
Ott, S. Schmidt, F. Forster, F. Reinert, M. Escher, N. Weber, M. Merkel, B.
Krömker, D. Funnemann |
TuP-26 |
Inspection on Masks for EUV (13.5 nm) Lithography Using “Standing-Wave
A. Oelsner, D.Valdaitsev, G.
Schönhense, N. Weber, M. Escher, M. Merkel, J. Lin, U. Neuhäusler,
J. Slieh, A. Brechling, U. Heinzmann, U. Kleineberg |
TuP-27 |
Application of
SLEEM for Observation of Al based Composite Materials |
K. Matsuda, S. Ikeno, I. Mullerova, L.
Frank |
TuP-28 |
Analyses of Static Random Access Memory |
Junichi Tsuji, Hiroaki Miyata, Manabu
Fujita, Hideki Hashimoto, Fang-Zhun Guo, Toyohiko Kinoshita |
TuP-29 |
Application of
SPELEEM to high-k gate dielectrics: relationship between surface morphology
and photoelectron spectra during Hf-silicide formation |
Ryutaro Yasuhara, Toshiyuki Taniuchi,
Hiroshi Kumigashira, Masaharu Oshima, Fangzhun Guo, Kanta Ono, Toyohiko
Kinoshita, Kazuto Ikeda, Guo-Lin Liu, Ziyuan Liu, Koji Usuda |
TuP-30 |
Origin of the
dopant contrast in PEEM micrographs |
Luděk Frank, Ilona
Müllerová, Dimitrii Valdaitsev, Sergei Nepijko, Andrei
Gloskovskii, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Gerhard Schönhense |
TuP-31 |
LEEM Observation
of Dynamic Phase Transformation in Steel |
Shun-ichi Hayashi, Hiroshi Shimizu,
Tsuneo Yasue, Takanori Koshikawa, Ernst Bauer |
TuP-32 |
Installation of
SPELEEM at BL17SU/SPring-8 |
F. Z. Guo, Y. Saitoh, T. Muro, T.
Matsushita, T. Wakita, H. Ohashi, Y. Senba, T. Kinoshita, K. Kobayashi, T.
Koshikawa, T. Yasue, M. Oura, T. Takeuchi, S. Shin |
TuP-33 |
concentration mapping of InAs/GaAs quantum dots |
G. Biasiol, S. Heun, G. B. Golinelli,
L. Sorba, V. Grillo, E. Carlino, A. Locatelli, T. O. Mentes, F. Z. Guo |
TuP-34 |
Observation of
Spin Reor ientation at the Inter face of Fe/NiO(001) by X-r ay Photoemission
Electron Micr oscopy |
Hai-Lin Sun, Fang-Zhun Guo, Kuniaki
Arai, Keiji Kura, Yuuki Maeda, Taichi Okuda, Hiroaki Miyata, Tomohiro
Matsushita, Yusuke Tamenori, Takayuki Muro, Keisuke Kobayashi, Keiki
Fukumoto, Takanori Wakita, Toyohiko Kinoshita |
TUP-35 |
Low Temperature
Photoemission Electron Microscope |
Taichi Okuda, Takanori Wakita, Franz
Ulrich Hillebrecht, Ayumi Harasawa, Hideyuki Kiwata, Masaharu Oshima,
Toyohiko Kinoshita |